Parent Action Committee (PAC): Why Opt Out?

Martin Luther King, Jr. with a quote outlining the goal of true education.

New year, new opt out!  State tests are scheduled for the spring. If you would like to opt out your child from the NY State ELA and Math tests this spring, please fill out this form.

Information on High Stakes Testing

General Information Regarding Opting-Out

Opt-Out and Middle / High School Admissions

Opt-Out and Legislation

Standardized Testing and Equity Issues

Alternatives to Standardized Testing

School Privatization, Funding, and Corporate Education Reform

Why Get Involved?

Interested in helping preserve the autonomy of our schools’ curricula? Want to stay informed about public education policy issues? Concerned about the impacts of standardized testing on classrooms, teaching, and children? Curious how education policy impacts social justice? PAC is for you!

Join us at a monthly meeting or reach out by contacting

If you’re interested in being part of the PAC conversation, please JOIN THE PAC GROUP by emailing