Parent Action Committee (PAC): Why Opt Out?
New year, new opt out! State tests are scheduled for the spring. If you would like to opt out your child from the NY State ELA and Math tests this spring, please fill out this form.
Resources and Information on NYC Educational Issues
Information on High Stakes Testing
General Information Regarding Opting-Out
Why Opt Out? New York State Allies for Public Education, January 2018
The Top Ten Reasons to Opt Out of the State Tests A short video sums it all up
Why and How to Opt Out Fact Sheet on how to “Just Say No” from FairTest
The True Cost of the Tests Video: Jeanette Deutermann
Myths and Truths about High Stakes Testing from Change the Stakes
Opt-Out and Middle / High School Admissions
Middle School Admissions Q&A on middle schools and NYS test scores
Opt-Out and Legislation
Standardized Testing and Equity Issues
The Uncomfortable Truth about Testing Video: Johanna Garcia
Teach What Matters Video: Jesse Hagopian
High Stakes Testing and the Black Community Video: Jamaal Bowman
Alternatives to Standardized Testing
An Alternative to Standardized Testing: Performance-Based Assessment Video: Jehan Senai Worthy
School Privatization, Funding, and Corporate Education Reform
She Served Our Country. Now She’s Fighting For Our Kids Video: Linda Lyon
2 School Districts, 1 Truth. Video: John Kuhn
Privatization in Public Education. Video: Diane Ravitch
Why Get Involved?
Interested in helping preserve the autonomy of our schools’ curricula? Want to stay informed about public education policy issues? Concerned about the impacts of standardized testing on classrooms, teaching, and children? Curious how education policy impacts social justice? PAC is for you!
Join us at a monthly meeting or reach out by contacting
If you’re interested in being part of the PAC conversation, please JOIN THE PAC GROUP by emailing