+ Parent Teacher Assoc. (PTA)
Did you know that every parent / guardian of a child who attends BNS is a member of the BNS PTA? You don’t have to join because you’re already an essential part of it. Learn more about the BNS PTA.
+ School Leadership Team (SLT)
The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who gather for monthly meetings to discuss topics that are currently engaging the BNS community. The primary job of the SLT is to oversee and participate in reports about the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) goals, which are set at the end of a school year. Learn more about the SLT - including ways to get involved.
+ Parent | School Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
School Leadership Team (SLT)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Parent Action Committee (PAC)
The Green and Food Committee
The Arts Committee
+ Families as Learning Partners
Families as Learning Partners is an opportunity for the home-school connection to deepen. These sessions allow families to have a closer look at a variety of aspects that make up their child's education during their time at BNS. It is a video series that records the monthly workshops BNS provides for parents with the purpose of increasing awareness of programming at BNS as well as how parents can support their child's academic, socio-emotional and other vital skills and dispositions.
Early Addition Strategies
Number Bonds
Subtraction Strategy & Tool Choices
Place Value Charts
+ AfterSchool Program
The AfterSchool program is available to all children who attend BNS (grades Pre-K through 5). AfterSchool separates younger and older students into smaller groups, making the program more developmentally appropriate. For all children, each afternoon includes snack, outdoor free play as well as quiet time for homework or choice time. Hours of operation are 2:30 pm until 5:30 pm. Each day, there is at least one licensed teacher on site. The staff also includes educational assistants who work in BNS classrooms during the school day, other experienced AfterSchool staff and Brooklyn Collaborative (BCS) (our sister school) students who work as interns.
Registration, Pricing, Etc.
More AfterSchool details including registration, pricing, and scholarship information.
Current After school Workshop descriptions
+ School Bus Information
The 2024 - 2025 BNS School Bus letter contains important information regarding morning and afternoon routines, scheduling, registration and the bus form.
+ School Meals and Menus
The New York City Department of Education (DOE) offers free breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals to all NYC public school students during the school year.
View the monthly menus for your child.
View detailed breakdowns of the nutritional information for every menu item offered through our schools.
+ BNS Band Website
Learn all about the BNS band program led by Sarah Ferholt. Please sign up for band here.